The Quilt Block has been in business for two years now but it's a fairly recent happy discovery for me. A few months ago while semi lost in my car (a common occurance), I spied the shop tucked behind a bank, not too far from home. Being a fabric junkie I slammed on the breaks, hopped out, ran in, and now look for any excuse to go there.
I just happened to have a WrapADoodle with me that day, and took it in to show and tell, knowing that all women who sew love to see each other's work. The proprietors of the store were both there that day and they are just the nicest people ever. While I gushed over their store, they encouraged me to make a pattern for the WrapADoodle to sell in their store and in other stores.....so I put that thought into my pipe and have been smoking it ever since.
I love this store so much. It's in an old house with wide plank wooden floors. It's full of neatly and creatively arranged fabric, quilts, patterns, samples, etc. The atmosphere is so clean and inviting. I've been in and out of there a few times. Each time somebody there encourages me to make patterns and each time the thought goes into my pipe. I met some very interesting quilters in there a week or so ago and will post about them sooner than later.
In the meantime, now that I have all the proper tools, I'm going to take another class there one day. I bought an interesting book on the way out the door about making floorcloths with fabric and that will probably be the next project. Painted floorcloths are beautiful, but the fabric ones they have on the floor as samples in the store are stunningly brilliant.
Almost done with The Golden Rule coloring book. It is unbelievable how much time and energy is going into such a simple little endeavor, but hopefully it will be worth it in the long run. I need to finish it so it can be moved out of my mind while I get muchos WrapADoodles ready for an exhibit at the La Leche League Conference coming up in mid July!
how pretty....i hate ironing anything,seems like such a chore no matter what it's for, but a cover like this one i'd go look for something to iron!!
What a great cover you made. So pretty. LOL... I'm with Ann. If I had something like that I might actual iron.
Aw, who am I kidding??
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