Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How Does Our Garden Grow Debut

Last week Sandy and I did our first two performances of How Does Our Garden Grow! The first one was the first one, and the second one was perfect. They were at the same school back to back. I give the show an A for ADORABLE! ......The music was fantastic and I can't wait to do it again and again.

We will get some good pictures of kids in the show as soon as we do it in a public venue. Most of our bookings for the summer are in private schools. I would give anything for a picture of one of the little boys who was a deer last week (predator) because he was EXCEPTIONALLY CUTE walking around the garden with his shaker. Also seeing those tomato hats on real live kids just makes you laugh out loud.

As of this moment our first open to the public performance will be at LaMott Library in Elkins Park on June 27th at 11:00.......

There are about 90 costumes with matching props....including about 6 each of the following characters
FARMERS: of course with their rakes, shovels and seeds.
CROPS: corn, carrots, peas, tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, lettuce
SUPPORTS: Love, Sunshine, Watering Cans, Worms, Scarecrows!
PREDATORS: Deer, Groundhogs and Stinkbugs
POLLINATORS: Birds, Bees, Lady and Manbugs, Butterflies

For now Sandy managed to snap some pictures of a few of the costumes and props before the kids came in.....

butterly wings, wands and crowns
bird costumes and wands, bee costumes
and wands
love, sunshine, watering cans.....


tomato hats and necklaces, a bit of lettuce on the right
carrot backpacks, carrot wands, strawberry aprons
 and strawberry wristlets

pea costumes

1 comment:

ps3 jailbreak said...

This is a topic that is close to my heart... Cheers! Where are your contact details though?