Do You Have A Cheerleader?
I read once somewhere that most artists are subsidized by grants, or a family member. I recently applied for the Transformation Award from The Leeway Foundation for my interactive theatrical storytelling events and would jump for joy, after sobbing with happiness and gratitude, if that happens.
My first real job outside our family newspaper in California was as a sign maker for a record store, which escalated into being an art director for the entire chain. I learned so much about music, met and hobnobbed with record company executives, and had free front row tickets to many fabulous concerts.
Across town, some of my friends were selling copy machine toner over the telephone and making ten times as much as me. After declaring I’d never sell anything over the phone and watching my friends buy seaside Victorian houses, cars and horses, I eventually left art and went to work with them. My salary went to the moon and beyond.
After moving to Pennsylvania I continued working in sales, and at one pivotal point, was offered the position of assistant the rest of this article at Handmade in PA blog
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