Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thinking Spring and Summer

The sun is shining through the windows this morning and I long to be outside. But there is alot of sewing to do today in preparation for Come Join the Rainbow show. Still working on remaking the costumes. The first one was originally designed with felt but switched over to fleece because it was softer. But in action, the little hoods keep drooping, so remaking them all in felt now.......12 capes per color...YIKES!

I didn't get to enjoy last summer due to excessive traveling from place to place doing storytelling events. It was great to have so many shows but summer is my favorite time of year. We live in such a beautiful setting on lots of land with a swimming pool. So this year only taking bookings for the mornings and early afternoons and trying to keep the traveling closer to home.  

Because I want to have a big garden this year. Have been eating mostly organic veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds lately. Making sprouts and learning how to dehydrate foods....basically a predominately raw diet!

Every year my family asks me to paint a mermaid on the bottom of the pool. 
This year there will be one in the garden for sure.

1 comment:

Emma said...

I'm hoping I can get the kids I babysit to one of your shows in the coming season!

Maybe we can talk gardens tomorrow. I need to plan my plot in the community garden, too.