Doll # 2 of the five arrived in my mailbox a few days ago. She was in an acetate envelope attached to her journal. She came here fresh from another artist who had her enjoying a shopping spree in Paris.

"Paris is the city for lovers,
so the next task at hand is to find one.
I donned my sparkly butterfly dress,
hat and shoes and headed out the door.
I received many whistles, cat calls
and even a bottom pinch here and there
as I strutted through the city.
I came upon an elaborate entrance
to a garden path
and was enticed into a colorful meadow.
I tossed my shoes off
and began to run, skip and dance,
spinning and spinning and spinning
until I lost my balance
and fell headlong
into the suprised,
and suprisingly delightful, arms
of the most beautiful Monsieur I'd ever seen."
so the next task at hand is to find one.
I donned my sparkly butterfly dress,
hat and shoes and headed out the door.
I received many whistles, cat calls
and even a bottom pinch here and there
as I strutted through the city.
I came upon an elaborate entrance
to a garden path
and was enticed into a colorful meadow.
I tossed my shoes off
and began to run, skip and dance,
spinning and spinning and spinning
until I lost my balance
and fell headlong
into the suprised,
and suprisingly delightful, arms
of the most beautiful Monsieur I'd ever seen."

Totally cool. Never heard of this before. I'm sure you are excited to participate! Also... I received your ATCs for the Kitchen Sink Swap! Thanks...
love what you did..sheis having the most wonderful time and i'm sure she's enjoying more time in Paris..who wouldn't. The bar has been set really high..when i get mine I hope I can reach it without a ladder.................!!!! Beautiful art!
Hi Victoria!
Love this post. Thank you so much for adding your artistic style to this project. Her dress and hat are just lovely and what a vibrant page. ;)
Sending fairy magic for a beautiful evening.
~Kitty Kellie
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