Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sun and Earth Products

This weekend while at the Baby Toddler Expo showing off the WrapADoodles, I became friends with Jay Rotundo, the charming and very humorous operations manager for Sun and Earth cleaning products. He shared a booth with The Big Green Earth Store directly across the aisle from the WrapADoodle booth. Having both of them there made the entire weekend fun. We spent alot of time amusing each other with jokes and pranks, and basically laughing our heads off. (Stay tuned for more info about the Big Green Earth Store......on the next post of this blog.)

Sun and Earth is a local company, and they make their own products in their own plant in King of Prussia PA. So everybody please go out and buy everything they sell that you can get your hands on.

I intend to use only their products for the rest of my life. No kidding. Why, because they work and they smell good. And oh yes, they are earth friendly.

This morning I threw a load of wash into the washing machine with some of their laundry detergent, then washed some dishes by hand with their dishwashing soap. I mopped the floor with the all purpose cleaning spray and then washed my hands afterwards with their hand soap...........Oops! Time to leave to meet a friend for lunch, but not before I ripped the clothes from the washer and threw them in the dryer with a Sun and Earth dryer cloth.............later tonite when there are more dishes, I'll be using their electric dishwasher soap. Gasp! Green clean is the new black over here........

Years ago when my kids were all young, my friends and I used to buy organic foods and earth friendly laundry soap from a co-op and we all laughed at how unclean our clean clothes were. We all used cloth diapers and they were pretty dingy too. But we kept using the laundry soap because it was the right thing to do! We knew that our clothes were clean, even though they didn't look that way.

But the technology has improved dramatically over the years and now you can actually be green and be clean!

Sun and Earth has all kinds of great products and you can even refill your plastic containers with their fantastic laundry soap at various locations. Now that is a wonderful idea! Go to their website and learn more about them. They also have a fan page on Facebook.....!


J. Rotondo said...

It was great meeeting you as well at the expo.

Since humor sometimes doesn't come across well in text, I thought I'd play it safe with a short message.

Thanks for the message to your readers.

ArtistUnplugged said...

Sounds productive!!! Reading all your work did tire me though....take care!

Maaya said...

wow this looks great i have so much to learn about frugal living. but one step at a time
